(ABG) Terms and Conditions - Cultural Lights GmbH

  1. Length of Course

    The course is to take place over the days and length of time agreed upon in the participant’s contract.

  2. Course Location

    The course is to take place at the location stated on the activation and placement vouchers.

  3. Entry Interview and Assessment

    Prior to the commencement of the course all participants will take part in an induction / course entry interview. This assessment will identify the participant’s goals, contractual duties and rights, as well as Cultural Lights GmbH’s ABG.

  4. Delays to the Course Start Date

    Cultural Lights GmbH reserves the right to delay the course start date in liaison with the ‘Agentur für Arbeit’ / Jobcenter until there is a sufficient number of participants. All incurred costs will be refunded. Participants owe no further duties or costs in respect of Cultural Lights GmbH in the event of a course delay.

  5. GDPR (Data Protection)

    All employees are under a legal duty to respect the personal rights of all participants and have been trained as to the legal scope of protections as regards personal data. All data is saved, processed and utilised pursuant to legal data protection regulations.
    All employees are subject to the provisions of §6 Landesdatenschutzgesetz – DSG M-V.
    All participants are provided with a copy of the Data Protection rules and regulations pursuant to DSG M-V.
    The JobCenter and its employees may be provided with participant details in order to provide further education and work opportunities.

  6. Participation Costs / Learning Materials

    Participation costs are paid directly by the ‘Agentur für Arbeit’ / Jobcenter to ‘Cultural Lights GmbH’.
    The fee includes all costs incurred via the development, preparation and running of the development seminars/course.
    Teaching fees, teaching- and educational materials, travel costs, consumables and individual coaching are all included within the aforementioned fee paid by the Agentur für Arbeit.

  7. Early Contractual Withdrawal Rights

    In the event that funding under SGB III is withdrawn, the participant is entitled to withdraw their participation without incurring any costs.
    In addition, there is a general statutory right of withdrawal entitling both contracting parties to withdraw from the agreement within 14 days of conclusion of the contract. This right is extinguished upon commencement of the course.

  8. Cancellation / Termination

    Cancellation/termination is only valid in written form, pursuant to the provision of a reason for cancellation.
    Cancellations are only valid in liaison with the Agentur für Arbeit and the ensuing approval.
    Early cancellations through a regular termination are not permitted.
    An immediate cancellation/termination of course is possible for the participant upon taking up a job subject to social security contributions, starting an apprenticeship, or the cessation of funding by the responsible authority. This will not incur any costs for the participant.

  9. Photographs and Videos

    Cultural Lights GmbH reserves the right to make audio and/or video and photographic recordings of seminars. Cultural Lights GmbH is entitled to save and delete these data for its own purposes.
    Recordings are not permitted to be posted online. Distribution of these materials online is subject to a criminal charge.

  10. Conditions of Participation

    Participation in the course and relevant qualification opportunities pursuant to DBG III is only possible with approval from the ‘Agentur für Arbeit’ / JobCenter.

  11. Rights and Duties of ‘Cultural Lights GmbH’

    Cultural Lights GmbH is subject to the following obligations:
    1. Ensuring that timetables are adhered to and that all goals to be attained by the participant are reached in a timely fashion and appropriate manner.
    2. Only individuals with the appropriate training and qualifications will be leading the seminars.
    3. Ensuring that appropriate job- and qualification searches and applications are made.
    4. Providing appropriate educational materials and any secondary materials for participants to ensure the course can be completed successfully.
    5. Ensuring participants incur no fees for various course- and qualification measures when sponsored by the JobCenter.
    6. Ensuring that participants are provided with only those opportunities which are relevant and appropriate for their experience level and goals.
    7. Allowing participants the appropriate amount of time to complete tests and assessments pursuant to Abs. 2.
    8. The organiser reserves the right to exclude participants in the event of disruption of seminars or operational processes, insofar as the implementation and delivery of educational measures is affected.
    9. All educational materials provided by the organiser are subject to copyright. Production and distribution of these materials by third parties is not permitted.

  12. Duties of the Participant

    The participant is obligated to:
    1. Complete, as far as possible, all relevant coursework and familiarise oneself with the relevant information.
    2. Actively engage with relevant bodies and individuals alongside the course, particularly with education- and work providers, colleagues and to follow up on relevant application processes.
    3. Participating in discussions pertaining to their qualification level in order to establish clear goals.
    4. Ensuring notice of absence is given immediately if sick or otherwise unable to attend the course.
    5. In the event of illness or accident, the participant is required to provide a doctor’s note upon the third day of absence at the latest.

  13. Participation Certificate

    Cultural Lights GmbH will provide the participant a certificate of participation upon completion of the course.

  14. Participant’s Consent to Data Sharing

    The participant consents with their signature to the recording, processing and saving of their personal data as outlined above.

    -End of Conditions-

    General Terms and Conditions (AGB)
    Cultural Lights GmbH (Limited Liability)