Bridges between people

Services > Job Center

Due to our long term cooperation with nationwide job centres, we understand the challenges that can arise from the collaboration with, and care of, long-term unemployed, refugees and young people.

In this collaboration, we see ourselves as expert mediators between you and our participants. Here, we see our strengths not only in motivating the aforementioned target groups, but also through the high transparency of our work that our individual coaching offers. Therefore, it is important for us to always be contactable by all involved. We are here for you.

Employment agencies and integration specialists receive all the relevant information, plans and results in detailed reports and follow-up appointments to ensure the continued success of our participants.

We also offer all of our activation and job centre vouchers online!

This makes it possible for all of the target groups to participate, as well as in cases of personal, local or nationwide restrictions.

We offer:


F: Flexible I: Integrative T: Training

FIT image

Since the first impression during a job interview is of decisive importance, we coach the participants with regard to their external appearance and show them how they can appear confident and self-assured through appropriate clothing and a well-groomed appearance. The aim is to sustainably strengthen the participants' self-confidence and motivation. In addition, we will introduce the participants to the topic of sport and stress prevention and sensitize them to take care of their physical and mental health. The participants will be shown specific exercises that will help them to reduce stress and become resilient in everyday life as well as in their professional life. The individual coaching is aimed at all groups of people, regardless of their origin, who need intensive support in reintegrating into the labor market due to long-term unemployment. We aim to address single mothers and single fathers with our individual coaching, as they are more often confronted with the challenge of having to reconcile family and career, which makes it particularly difficult for them to enter the labor market.


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"Women's Engagement, Motivation, Management with Success" is the motto of this seminar. Here, self-confidence and already existing basic skills of women with and without a migration background will be strengthened, including a coaching of the usage of these skills to effectively enter the employment and job market. We also provide options to women without job training or qualifications with possible prospects and motivate them for starting a career. The compatibility of family and work is of particular importance for many women and mothers. Therefore, strategies and models are presented and topics such as energy management are discussed in order to promote the long-term health and personal well-being of the participants.

Job compass+

Job compass image

The aim of this seminar is to long term strengthen the participants' position as employees by providing them with basic knowledge and additional skills to manage their everyday life, in addition to showing them a framework for career orientation. On the one hand, it is essential to know one's own rights and obligations as an employee and to have basic knowledge of company structures. On the other hand, to act within a framework that promises long-term capacity to act, self-responsibility, and above all quality of life outside the professional context. Therefore, in addition to a comprehensive presentation of legal issues and laws, this seminar offers content on the topics of finance and health. On this basis, interactive exercises are used to work on the application process all the way to the conclusion of a contract. Whether with or without job training - this seminar paves the way for a successful professional (re-)entry for everyone!

Start of the career +

Start of the career image

When the beginning of professional life is associated with language barriers, it is important to overcome these barriers first. Therefore, we teach grammar and vocabulary of professions relevant to the labour market in Germany as part of this career-oriented language course. The aim is to link previously acquired professional knowledge with German vocabulary, especially for people with a migration background. In addition to the language components, job profiles relevant to the labour market, including training requirements, are presented and an individual job profile is created for the participants.

Computer Compass


image of the book

Knowledge of computers is essential for integration into the job market. For this reason, this seminar is aimed at all groups of people, regardless of their age or background, in order to support the acquisition of the necessary knowledge about PCs. The primary focus here is to independently produce resumes and cover letters for online applications.

Integration compass

Knowing, learning about and living in Germany

Refugees, immigrants, unemployed/job seekers- this seminar offers a solution for starting a new life. Here, German culture relating to all areas of life is brought closer to the home culture in a relaxed manner. The seminar aims to fulfil the objective of making people proactive in accepting Germany as a new home and participating in the job market.

Job pathways

The right way to the desired job

This seminar is aimed at young immigrants (under the age of 31) with or without job training. It is an orientation guide on the plethora of job possibilities for all levels of education in Germany. The training also inspires self-confidence and the participant’s motivation, which pave the way to a successful start in employment. We are also keen to advise companies who would like to register young immigrants on the course. More details can be found under “Consultation”.

Orientation for women

Starting in Germany as a mother and woman

The seminar inspires self-confidence and strengthens existing basic skills for women with a background of immigration. The seminar explains how these skills can be effectively used for entering the employment and job market. We also provide options to women without job training or qualifications and motivate them for starting a career.

Digital application training


Knowledge of computers is essential for integration into the job market. For this reason, this seminar is aimed at all groups of people, regardless of their age or background, in order to support the acquisition of the necessary knowledge about PCs. The primary focus here is to independently produce resumes and cover letters for online applications.

Family compass

family compass image

Since the time we spend working often outweighs the time we spend with the family, this seminar aims to strengthen the family as a whole for all its members to feel comfortable in their different roles: as mothers, fathers, and, of course, children. Together, the family deals with time management, among other things, so that all family members learn how to support each other in the best possible way. This makes it possible for both parents and also single parents to successfully pursue a career and at the same time be there for the family. Through topics such as children's rights and education, even the youngest children emerge strengthened from this seminar. As part of the balance between family and work, the topics of health and stress management, nutrition, and energy management will also be addressed in this seminar.