Bridges between people

Services > Our focus

Main topics

The following subjects can be booked as seminars, lectures or consultation.

Intercultural Communication/Collaboration

In almost every industry, the work environment is characterised by employees from different backgrounds, cultures and religions. In this regard, we want to educate your employees to promote intercultural exchanges and jobs and to recognise and overcome the associated challenges. The topic of “intercultural communication and collaboration” is particularly relevant for employees who live and work in a foreign country and who need to be prepared for the differences and challenges which they will face.

Communication in emergency situations

Keeping calm in exceptional situations and mastering the right communication techniques is essential for companies and employees who regularly have to work in countries with an unstable security situation. For this reason, our experts train companies, in particular the employees in call centres, on communication in emergency situations.

General Political Situation

Based on our many years of experience as experts on the Middle East, if required, we can provide an individual analysis and advice regarding the political situation of a country in the Middle East.

Consultation for managers on the implementation of foreign staff

The employment of refugees is part of their integration process and affects many companies. HR teams and managers are often confronted with completely new questions regarding this. If required, we support and advise your company about the application and hiring processes of refugees.

Women’s and children’s rights

Here we offer lectures in schools and refugee shelters, as well as seminars specifically for women refugees in order to familiarise them with women’s and children’s rights.

Integration help

In order to make their new start easier, we advise and support refugees and people with a background of immigration on looking for somewhere to live, education and a job.